
Showing posts from October, 2023

Rochester, Mayo, Reading Poetry Aloud

The Reading by Vittorio Reggianini 1858-1938    I was out of town but decided at the last minute to attend the poetry reading.  I did not have three poems ready to read but offered to be the recorder.  PB was gone.  I had to leave in the middle but S sent the names of the remaining poems.   ===== Reading Aloud, October 5, 2023 1  Michael: AT THE ARRAIGNMENT, Debra Spencer 2  Judy:  MONOPOLY, Connie Wanek  -- -- 3  Chuck:  from  ENDINGS, Mona Van Duyn 4  Nancy: CHILD OF EUROPE, part 1 Czeslaw Milosz 5  Michael:  PASSENGERS, Billy Collins 6  Judy: COMING AND GOING, Malichi Black 7  Chuck: IN THE NEXT GALAXY,  Ruth Stone 8  Nancy:  CHILD OF EUROPE, part 2, Czeslaw Milosz 9  Michael: YOU CAN TAKE IT WITH YOU, Josephine Jacobsen 10  Judy:  SANDBOX, David Orr 11  Chuck: LET NELLIE STAY, Traditional 12  Na...

What's Up: Nebraska City, Manhattan Short Film Festival

 I woke up at 4 am and laid in bed until 5.  Then I decided to get up.  I have a slight headache and my eyes are burning a little.  The temperature on the homescreens of my phone and laptop says 63 degrees outside.  It is 77 degrees in the room.  I got dressed and read my e-mail and a chapter from my current book.  I'm not hungry.   Now I'm tired and a contemplating going back to bed.  It is Wednesday, the middle of the week and early October.  Surprisingly not many leaves have turned yet even though the peak Autumn day is usually around the 15th.  The poor trees get so confused with the atypical weather patterns.  I filled out an automated appeal letter written to Joe Biden from the Sierra Club asking for him to support the replacement of city trucks with environmentally friendly trucks, not running on fossil fuels.  I don't know what our congressman think of receiving automated letters the sender merely has to click...

Old Path White Clouds, Chapter reviews 1-5

 PRACTICING THE WAY--last updated 2023 Oct 8 OLD PATH WHITE CLOUDS by Thich Nhat Hanh =====================================      Chapter 1, WALKING JUST TO WALK In this Chapter we are introduced to Svasti, a 21 year old who has just been ordained as a bikkhu in the Buddha's sangha.  The Sangha resides at Bamboo Forest Monastery a 30 minute walk from Rajagaha, the capital of Magadha.  The Bamboo Forest Monastery was a gift of King Bimbisara 7 years earlier.  There are now 400 monks in the monastery. Bhikkus of noble birth are mentioned in this chapter: Nanda the Buddha's brother, Devadatta, Anuruddha, and Ananda.  Rahula, the 18 year old son of the Buddha is a novice in the community.  The Buddha himself is the son of a King.   Svasti (21 yr old) is from a village near Gaya called Uruvela.  He has a brother Rupak (18 yo) and two sisters: Bala (16 yo) and Bhima (12 yr old).  At 11 years old, Svasti became responsible for his...