Old Path White Clouds, Chapter 2

In Chapter 2 of Old Path White Clouds, the Buddha gives a talk and uses the caring and tending of water buffalo as a metaphor for Practicing the Way. The Way is the Buddhist path to freedom from suffering. It is the path that the Buddha teaches, and the path that the bikkhus have chosen.. --- KEY BUDDHIST CONCEPTS - 11 Practices of a Bikkhu - essential elements of the body - the Six Sense Organs - the Four Noble Truths - the Four Establishments of Mindfulness - Sixteen Methods of Conscious Breathing - Sitting Meditation - Walking Meditation - arhatship --- "a bhikku who follows these eleven points will attain arhatship in the span of six years of practice" 11 practices of a bhikku (monk, sangha member) 1 - recognize each of the essential elements of his body 2 - know which actions of body, speech, and mind are worth and which are not 3 - cleanse the mind and body of desires, attachments, anger, and aversion...