Labor Day 2023
Union Terminal south mural/ Cincinatti, Ohio 1931
artist: Winold Reiss
I just woke up from a 3 pm nap that was invoked from the large meal I had. I overstuffed myself with the abundance of dishes that we had for a Labor Day cookout here at the house. Actually, it was a cook-in since the two ladies who cooked all the food cooked it in the kitchen. JW did grill some of the meat.
Labor Day has been celebrated since the latter part of the 1800's. It started off being celebrated by some cities, and then was adopted as a celebration by some states. In 1894 it was declared a federal holiday to be celebrated every first Monday of September.
Labor Day isn't one of the big holidays, like Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter. A lot of stores stay open so you can still go shopping.
The word "labor" isn't a normal part of one's vocabulary. Most people don't say, " I'm a "laborer." They're more likely to say "I'm going to work", or "I have a job."
However, Webster's dictionary defines labor as "expenditure of physical or mental effort especially when difficult or compulsory."
Another definition says "to exert one's powers of body or mind especially with painful or strenuous effort."
The definition of labor as a worker is listed as the 4th definition of labor.
I think this is very cool. The definition of labor includes the idea of toil and suffering! It's like an acknowledgement.
So Labor Day isn't just a day off from work. It's a day off from the misery of work. It's an acknowledgment of suffering.
In addition, there have been and currently are, a heck of a lot of people that are concerned for worker's rights, safety, and dignity. To help develop an appreciation for these folks, one might check out the Department of Labor's LABOR HALL OF FAME. Harley and Davidson, Walgreen, Marriott, Helen Keller, are some of the people that might surprise you.
You might also check out the 190 laws that are enforced by the Department of Labor...listed on their website. It lets you know if you're a worker being abused, or having a hard time, that there are people, and laws, and an agency out there that will help you.
For Labor Day art, go to Milicent Cramer's blog Labor Day 2017.
Kansas City
by Thomas Hart Benton
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