Under Glass
This morning I grabbed my laptop and noticed it is much lighter. This is one major clue that tells me somebody has been in my room and changed it out. It probably happened when I went out for a walk last night. Sometimes I notice the laptop is much heavier and other times much lighter. Other things such as the display or the functionality lets me know they have been in to change out my laptop. I'm not sure if is to copy the hard drive, alter the functionality, or collect the keystroke data.
The display on my laptop screen is being used to ruin my eyesight. First I discovered an unusually high glare coming from the screen that strained my eyes. When I tried to alter the intensity it did not help. I also noticed a blurriness and thought it was my eyes. Later I realized that the screen was deliberately being altered so that the letters appeared blurry--another way to increase the strain on my eyes. I discovered that if I increased or decreased the display setting away from 100% "recommended" that it decreased the blur and therefore the strain on my eyes.
Now it looks like they have discovered my little trick for getting rid of the blurriness and have made it more difficult for me to shift the magnification in order to get rid of the blurriness. They've made it so altering the magnification is more difficult. I literally have to go to Settings, System, Display, and then manually change the % magnification. Then it requires me to log out and log back in with the new magnification. And then even when I do that for some reason the new magnification doesn't remove the blurriness. It's as if they programmed the blurriness for all the magnification settings.
In the past week, some things have disappeared from my room-- a favorite blue T-shirt, my Billy Joel harmonica, and a paper that had the contact information of a person I recently met who invited me to travel with her in September.
I can only guess that these recent losses are "punishments" related to starting this blog. I know for a fact that whenever I start blogging, and sharing the details of my life, or expressing my thoughts in writing, certain events begin occurring that appear to be deterrants. I'm sure it is much harder for others to control my life when I report all the details of it--bullies are subdued by an audience. If I stop blogging, some stuff stops happening, but the other stuff comes back.
In addition to the manipulation of my laptop screen the recent fiasco with the my new eye prescription and glasses confirms my suspicion that the diminishing condition of my teeth and eyes were deliberately created. Despite finally having the money to buy new glasses, the $700 pair of new glasses were unusable. The prescription was messed up and the frames too small. After wearing my glasses for a few days my eyesight without the glasses was totally wonky!
It is interesting that when I told the doctor this he rejected my complaint as not making sense. My claim that the prescription appears to be wrecking my eyes was rejected. This is completely inconsistent with what I was told several years ago when I was denied having new glasses made (broken frames) without a new prescription because the "wrong" prescription could ruin my eyes.
Lest I appear too whiny, I've come to learn that there is definite inconsistencies in the quality of healthcare in this country. Some of the inconsistencies are based on socioeconomic status, race, and gender. I'm not a lone victim, and this is not a new story. It is part of human nature to express our feelings in our actions. Fear, hostility, and hatred are some of these feelings. When you are a public servant-- healthcare worker, repairman, policeman, businessman--that means a lot of people will be harmed by those feelings.
Under Glass
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