Balmy November

 13 Nov 2023, coming on midnight

Look, I had a brief hiatus.  Locked out of my g-mail account for three weeks or so.  Also lost my phone but now have both back.  Halloween come and gone and no decorations on any of the houses.  Quite amazing how things have changed since my childhood half a century ago.  Memories of my mother's decorated windows, trick or treating on a freezing October beggars night.  It still baffles me that that night was invariably cold and often rainy making it miserable for a kid wearing a costume that you didn't want to cover with a coat.  

My cousin died three days ago, November 11, Saturday early morning I'm told.  This is her brother's birthday.  I didn't know it was the last time I would see her before she passed on, but on that day as we watched a Hallmark movie on her TV set, she told me about a house on Park Avenue quite dressed up for Halloween.   My landlord drove me out to see it and it lifted my spirits considerably.


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