Christmas time at the Mall, JC Superstar on You-Tube

Temps are in the thirties with a stiff wind that chills you more than the actual temp. I went to the mall today and once again reflected on the dying nature of the creature. I realize my life has paralleled the age of the Great Shopping Mall. I was a child when they were first conceived of and am still alive as they slowly pass out of existence. I remember when Merle Hay Mall was Merle Hay Plaza and the concept of a collection of stores all in once place was a consumer miracle. I grew up on the "southside" of Des Moines, but a couple of times a month my mom and I would drive the 13 miles to go the more affluent west side and a shopping area called Merle Hay Plaza. The long journey (to a kid) and the route we took remains a strong memory. My parents bowled in a bowling league at Plaza Lanes. More memories. Then they put a single roof over all those stores and changed the name from Merle Hay Plaza to Merle Hay Mall. Merle Hay by ...