Another dry day in the Mosell Room, humidity 16%
woke up at ten til 5. this is a slight improvement compared to other times earlier this month when I was waking up around 2 and 3 am. I feel pretty rested but woke up aware of an extremely dry tongue, the result of the dessication occurring in the room. My temperature/humidity gauge reads 16% humidity but I am not sure how reliable it is. I have begun to doubt its accuracy although it seemed to work well when I bought it.
I woke up wondering about the score of the Iowa vs Drake women's basketball game that I reported on my blogger page. I did a quick google search and found a score of 113 to 90. That is what I reported in my blog. But it seems I had seen a different score on a previous search so I am thinking of looking for further verification or just taking it off the blog page. In those first few seconds of consciousness this morning, I also began to doubt the truth of a so called wrestling match between Iowa and Iowa State that supposedly took place yesterday 11/26/2023 at 2 pm. The reason is that there is no sign of a score anywhere on the internet. And I found out about it through a perusal of Des Moines events on the CatchDesMoines website. Upon reflection, it just appeared yesterday on CatchDesMoines, and was not there the day before. In fact, I have noticed that the events for "whats happening this week/weekend" change when I log on at different times.
I told JW about the wrestling dual between ISU and UI. He said he didn't know about it and commented that he should drive to Ames to go see it.
But again, I woke up this morning thinking that I didn't think wrestling season started this early and of the other signs that this was a bogus event and that I need to take it off the blog entry I just wrote.
I realize it was just a pseudo event and that I cannot believe anything I see on the internet that is being streamed to me at this time. Since downloading the replacement software it is clear that I am being fed a false internet. It makes me wonder if it is just me, or if the "internet" is being "tailored" for each and everyone one of us. Of course the bots that monitor our internet activities can easily determine our interests and feed us advertisements tailored toward those interests. It increases the likelihood we will act on the advertisements and buy something.
So I guess the answer to my question is obvious. THE 'INTERNET' is in fact being tailored and is a different experience for every one of us, merely because it is monitoring our activities and giving us advertisement feeds tailored to our interests. But it is more than that. My Youtube station is also being tailored to what I have watched before and trying to offer up these terrible suggestions when I enter a search term. When You tube started doing this it became useless to me. I liked getting results that were based on my search terms, not all the shit that pops up now trying to make suggestions I might like. Most of which are incredibly stupid.
So, if you look over somebody's shoulder when they are looking a their phone, you may not see the same thing you would see if you were on your phone browsing and surfing the internet. Even an ebay search may shore up different results. The internet has become interactive.
I am trying to figure out the reason for this recent hostility, the removal of my access to the real internet, the shoveling of mis-information to me via this recent software download onto the Samsung Galaxy smartphone. The notice that I had a software update came last week when I was in Texas. There was plenty of opportunity to discover my use of it at the stadium where people seemed quite interested in how I was using it as I would look over my shoulder and see a person watching me closely. Of course the same happened at the Drake game two days ago.
I discovered an app called Varsity which provided me with audio/radio access to all the college sports games. It is really cool. It worked for one day and then stopped working unless I turned on the wifi to the house. I don't understand why my internet via my Total Verizon network has stopped working. It forces me to use the Wifi in the house which I do not like using because my landlord (and perhaps other people in the house) are monitoring me through it. For awhile there I was confident that I had some privacy accessing the internet on my phone. Using the internet in the house, I know every website I go to and every password I type, and email I send through it is being monitored by JB, CK, maybe even the new guy from Africa in the room next to me.
There is the staging of many events these days, fake events designed only to get people to come and pay a large entry fee and for the organizer or organizers to rake in some dough. This explains so much. It explains why there is never any public signage announcing events anymore. It explains why events that are announced are given obscure names that you can't even figure out what it is advertising. Is it a concert? Is it play? Is it a ceremony? Is it a poetry reading? Everything is so hush hush, secretive.
So many things being offered up as entertainment are just moneygrabbers, a lame offering of poor fake "entertainment" to get you to come out and spend money. You can't tell from the name even what the event really is. I realize now that people are spinning their brains trying to think of some lame reason to bring people out who have a lot of money and to take that money. For awhile the only entertainment in Des Moines was to run and you had to pay for it. Come run a 5K to benefit cancer and feel good about helping others. You pay $25 and we pay almost nothing because it is run by volunteers. Get 1000 people to participate and you've made yourself an easy $25,000 with almost no overhead costs!
It is the same with the two movie theaters that have popped up next to Drake University and the University of Iowa campus. Instead of offering high quality reputable class A art films, they offer what appears to be completely digitally generated films that have only computer generated actors in them. That explains how you can get a film filled with all these famous actors in it. And why the plot is amazingly stupid or amazingly confusing. The scenes are pieced together like an Amana quilt.
All of the subterfuge that is happening is something we have brought on ourselves. We lie about who we are and what we have because the streets and walls and ceilings are full of spy gear designed to watch your every move. Intrusiveness provokes a desire to protect oneself.
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